
AI Language Partner

Become fluent through conversation An AI ready to chat about anything!
Cancel anytime in one click
30 day money-back guarantee

Video Demo

Pick your language, level and topic then start chatting!

Why ChatAI?

Conversational fluency takes more than 200hrs of practice in a language like Spanish.

Paid tutor:

200hr x $15/hr = $3000


$10/month Unlimited Chats!


Pick your language, level and topic then start chatting!

35+ languages supported

More than 35+ languages are supported on the platform, including Spanish, French and German.

3 Language levels

Whether you are beginner, intermediate, or advanced we have you covered.

Talk About Anything

The AI can talk to you about whatever you want.


Translate any sentence from your target language into English.


Get live corrections for all of your messages.

Correction Explanations

Get explantions for all of your message corrections so you know what's wrong.

Voice Transcription

Talk to the AI with your voice and have your message transcribed for you.
Cancel anytime in one click
30 day money-back guarantee

Live Demo

AI ¿Cuál es su nombre?

Si, tengo un perro

AI Estoy bien también, gracias. ¿Tienes una mascota?

¿Muy bien gracias, y tu?

AI ¿Cómo estás?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the free trial work?

You have 7 days to try ChatAI totally risk-free. You can cancel in one click at any time before the end of your free trial and you won’t be charged. After your trial ends, you will then be covered by the 30 day money back guarantee and can still cancel at any time.

Can you tell me more about the 30 day money back guarantee?

After your free trial ends, your subscription will start (unless you cancel) and you will then have 30 days to try ChatAI totally risk-free. If you feel that your Language skills haven’t improved or just feel that ChatAI isn’t for you, simply email and you will receive a full refund. No questions asked.

What is ChatAI?

ChatAI is an AI Language Partner that can act as your partner or tutor to help you learn a language through natural conversation.

I can't find my question?

If you can't find the answer to your question and want more information on the product then please contact

Why ChatAI?

Language tutors are expensive ($15+/hr) and finding language partners and organising a chat is difficult. With ChatAI pay a small monthly fee and have practically unlimited conversations whenever you like.

How easy is it to cancel?

I'm a language learner just like you, and if there is one thing I hate, it's apps that make it easy to sign up and hard to cancel. That's why I made sure cancelling ChatAI is as super simple. You can cancel your subscription at any time either by: Clicking on “cancel” in your account, clicking on the cancellation link in your subscription confirmation email or by emailing me at
Cancel anytime in one click
30 day money-back guarantee